Security and access controls lists

Roles and Labels

can manage all (virtual) networks
can manage several (virtual) networks
can monitor several (virtual) networks
can read sensors data in several (virtual) networks
can post question forms
denotes the virtual network XXX


YES = operation is supported without any restrictions
YES BUT = operation is supported according to labels (denoting data resources, users and units)
SAME NET ONLY = operation is supported if the target is within the originator network (label net:...)
ACTIVE LABELS = operation is supported if the target is within the set of originator labels
OWN RECORD ONLY = operation is supported if the target and originator are the same
Clients API
Operation superadmin admin analytics user android PUBLIC
addQuestionForm Y
count O O O
getStatistics O O O
getCommunicationStatistics O O O O
findRange O O O
findRangeSenml O O O
getFirmware Y
login Y
logout Y Y Y Y Y
check Y Y Y Y Y
getUnitMeasurement O O O O
getTile O O O O
getResources O O O O
getSensors O O O O
getMeasuredCollated O O O O
getVhost O O O O
getResourceDateRange O O O O
getUnits O O O O
getLastMeasurement O O O O
Role admin API
Operation superadmin admin analytics user android PUBLIC
addRole Y
putDescription Y
getRoles Y Y
deleteRole Y
User admin API
Operation superadmin admin analytics user android PUBLIC
addRole Y L
getRoles Y Y
deleteRole Y
putDescription Y S
putUsername Y S W W
putPassword Y W W W
addUser Y Y
getUsers Y S
deleteUser Y S
regeneratePassword Y
commitPassword Y
DataResource admin API
Operation superadmin admin analytics user android PUBLIC
addRole Y
getRoles Y Y
deleteRole Y
addDataResource Y
putDataResource Y
getDataResource Y Y
deleteDataResource Y
Unit admin API
Operation superadmin admin analytics user android PUBLIC
addRole Y L
getRoles Y Y
deleteRole Y L
deleteUnit Y
getUnit Y L
getUnits Y L
putUnit Y
addUnit Y
updateUnitStatus Y L
Sensor admin API
Operation superadmin admin analytics user android PUBLIC
addSensor Y
putSensor Y
getSensors Y Y
deleteSensor Y
Topology admin API
Operation superadmin admin analytics user android PUBLIC
putTopo Y
deleteTopo Y

Access checked by Container

Firmware admin API
Operation root watch
addFirmware Y
putPatch Y
activateFirmware Y
getFirmware Y
Logging API
Operation root watch
/gate/logger Y
/gate/message Y
Sensors measurement API
Operation PUBLIC
/gauge Y
/status Y
WebSocket API
Operation superadmin admin analytics user android PUBLIC
/ws/TICKET/sniffer O O O